Goodlyn Islamic Center



Central Brooklyn’s Community Districts 12 and 14 have the distinction of being the most ethnically diverse in the entire borough. A steady influx of immigration, large households, and a very young population add to the religious, social and economic challenges faced by the area’s ever-growing Muslim population.

The area is home to a few mosques that have been serving the community for many years by providing a space to pray. However, there are no purpose-built, full service Islamic centers.

The unique circumstances of this section of Brooklyn and the limited resources and facilities serving the community all require a space to be created that addresses the community’s spiritual, educational, and social needs and helps them realize their potential.

Over 25,000 Muslim residents with 29% under the age of 18


With its decades of experience, The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) plans to uplift and empower the area’s Muslims by establishing a dynamic Islamic center in the heart of Brooklyn.



For this reason, the Islamic Circle of North America has purchased a vacant piece of land in the heart of Brooklyn in order to establish the Goodlyn Islamic Center

A dynamic facility that will give families in the area daily access to ICNA’s six decades of experience through its specialized divisions focused on self-development, education, outreach and social services.

The Goodlyn Islamic Center will enable Muslim families in the area to address the unique challenges they face, strengthen their faith, develop new and existing skills, and unite to become contributing members of their community – realizing their full potential as Muslim Americans.

The center will also seek to build bridges between Muslims and other faith groups in the community by providing access to the center’s facilities and services irrespective of race, religion, or creed.


The Goodlyn Islamic Center will host the entire suite of ICNA services and divisions in addition to a prayer space, multipurpose recreation hall, public garden, and other unique facilities specific to the needs of the community.

ICNA Relief will provide a host of much needed assistance for both Muslims and people of other faiths. Some of these services include free, private consultations with professional counselors, skills training workshops, and a food pantry for the less fortunate in the surrounding area.

Young Muslims and Muslim Children of North of America will help younger members of the community feel comfortable with their faith and grow into positive role models amongst their peers by providing them with youth groups, study circles, camping trips, and more – all in a welcoming and fun environment free of judgement and bias.

The Islamic Learning Foundation will conduct in-depth classes, seminars, and workshops in order to provide students of all ages a proper knowledge of classical Islam – inspiring them towards modern forms of Islamic activism.

ICNA Sisters Wing will give women an equal opportunity to learn and contribute to society with a central focus on their development and empowerment.

Why Islam will allow people of other faiths to get more information on Islam and build a lasting, mutually respectful relationship with Muslim members of the community through various outreach programs and a dedicated information center.


A two and half story facility aimed at facing the unique challenges of the diverse Central Brooklyn Muslim community and helping it prosper as Muslim Americans by providing grassroots, empowering solutions through ICNA’s specialized divisions.

A multipurpose hall, prayer space, lecture halls, game room, food pantry, conference rooms, information center, community garden, counseling room, and more all housed under one roof in the heart of Brooklyn.


By the grace of Allah and your support, the establishment of the ICNA Brooklyn Youth and Community Center has now moved into its final phase and construction is ready to begin.

We need your continued assistance to complete this amazing project. Once complete, the ICNA Brooklyn Youth and Community Center will help meet the needs of Brooklyn’s Muslims and empower them to realize their true potential as active members of America’s Muslim community.

Your contribution will live on forever through all the people this center will help Insha’Allah.

$690k raised.
$2.5 million more needed for completion.

Your support helps Brooklyn’s growing Muslim community.

Visit for more information.



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Donation Total: $50.00